Tag Archives: Self Love

Divine Love

Divine Love

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

As each day unravels the confusion of the past, I lean ever more softly into the waiting arms of Divine Love.

This is my wish for all.

It is why I do what I do.  It is why I share what I have shared.  It is why in each blog I seek a means to “Know Thyself” better and better and better and better… because when we do, it becomes impossible to escape true power, true beauty, and the presence of Divine Love within us all.

If we do not receive chocolates, flowers, a handmade card, or a romantic dinner today, we have the free will to be sad or to feel fortunate.  Fortunate because we have been given the opportunity to turn our attention inward, to loving our Self in a way that only we can do.

This life journey is a journey with the Self.

If we cannot love our own Self, why should we expect another to?

Much love until we meet again,

Goddess Victoria Crystal

Eternal Student of Life and Philosopher

Questions?  Comments?   Connect with me on FaceBook  Let’s chat!  Send me private message beginning with: WordPress Friend so I will respond more quickly.

To support this blog go to;  paypal.me/SharingPhilosophy

Each blog is a tiny pixel to a much bigger picture.  As I write, it is my desire to lay out a foundation upon which profound and meaningful insights may be expanded.  To that end, I will also share deeply personal experiences so as to offer a greater understanding about how and why I have come to perceive the world as I do.

This is my path to Enlightenment.  I welcome all who want to join me and welcome me as a part of their own. 


Who is the boss of Me?

Who is the boss of Me?

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Looking at the world today it is difficult to believe I am the only person who has a complicated relationship with their desires.  In point of view, it appears to be pandemic.

Following one’s Heart’s Desire is that thing we do if we are lucky and if we find the time.  Or perhaps when we are young.

Becoming an adult it seems, means putting away such childish notions in order to forever attend to life’s responsibilities.  That is until we reach the certain age at which we can retire; too old to do what we once dreamed and not quite dead… yet.

But the human spirit rebels against this established system.  We mentally and physically breakdown into disease, depression, have psychotic breaks, or take drugs, use alcohol, binge watch television shows, excessively game, or the oh so popular condition of having a mid-life crisis.

Mid-life Crisis: taking stock in all we have accomplished, looking forward on this path to who we will become, and simply freaking the f*ck out.  (I took the liberty to define this one on my own ;~)

Because, as my mother has often said, that I was a precocious child, it shouldn’t be surprising that my mid-life crisis also came early.  And because I am an over-achiever I have had the esteemed privilege of enduring it for a really… really long time.

It had a lot to do with the depression to be sure.  I kept looking at what had happened, where my life seemed it would end within this established system, and yeah… I kept freaking the f*ck out.

Only I didn’t follow the cliché pattern of buying a Porsche, dying my hair, and dating much younger men.  Instead I climbed into a deep well of solitude.

Oh wait. Yeah….  The younger men thing I did do.

But all of that is changing.  (Perhaps not the younger men…  I did enjoy that bit.)

And guess what?  It’s changing because I am learning through committed focus to Love and Trust my Self.

It seems quite strange that I should be struggling to love and trust my Self.  Shouldn’t it be a simple matter and at least listed amongst our inalienable rights?  But no, our forefathers were also struggling against authority and perhaps love and trust, even amidst accomplished dreamers was too incredible a dream.

Authority is an interesting concept.  It seems that at some point in our history we gave up “the Being of who we are” to enter into an unending power struggle with and against the will of others.

Long ago, Someone made decisions about what people could and could not do.  Someone became the Authority.  But authority has a trickledown effect.  It cannot be omnipresent, so others are needed to enforce decisions.

There is always a grey area when interpreting someone else’s decree because we cannot completely understand the intent.  Enforcers working on behalf of the Authority use their experiences to perceive meaning and intent.  Thus the original intent is changed, even if ever so slightly.

And because these enforcers are also not omnipresent, even more enforcers are needed.  These new enforcers take notes, interpreting instructions as best they can, meting out justice or punishment based upon their interpretations.  But still… these new enforcers are not omnipresent either.

On and on the delegation of authority goes… until finally parents and caregivers are in conflict with their own children.  To be proud and raise good citizens, we train our children on how to act, who to be, and why they must become model students receiving excellent grades.

Guess what.  I received excellent grades.  But it hasn’t helped me feel loved, cherished, or make good decisions while I navigate through life.

The battle with Self vs conforming to this nebulous authority has gotten so bad it has resulted in things like suicide, murder, murder-suicides, theft, vandalism, cheating, hate crimes, lying, bullying, torture, rape, assault and whatever other horrible atrocities we can imagine in a futile attempt to control the actions of every Soul.

And the paradox is that all of these struggles appear to be commonplace.  So much so that having authority seems to be “a necessary thing.”

So this begs the question:  Who was the first person handing out decrees?  How old is the system?  How relevant is it to us today?  And the way things are… was this the actual intent?

The trickledown effect of authority has left us asking others what we should and should not do.  But the decision for action is truly the realm of the Soul.

And while it’s easy for me to say “Aww to hell with this sh*t.  I’m going to do my own thing!”  The reality is… there are many, many things that seem to require I at least somewhat conform to society to get.

I’m not ready to run for the hills or give up on my dreams of things like a convertible Bentley (iridescent champagne pink  bodywith a black and cream interior… purrrr).  Besides that, there are people here whose lives of which I ache to be a part… still stuck within this matrix, so to speak.

Pulling myself away from everything I’ve known, every life experience that exhaled a new fantasy or dream… that seems horribly wrong too.

So who is the Boss of Me?

I am the boss of my Self.  Not aimed in destruction or domination, but lifting everything in my own energy field up.  I intend to match the frequency of who my Soul is calling me to Be.

The Soul + Body = Action

Action is guided by Desire

Action is guided by Belief

My beliefs have been in conflict with my desires.  Recognizing my Soul as the true authority is a big step toward changing this.

Much love until we meet again,

Goddess Victoria Crystal

Eternal Student of Life and Philosopher

Each blog is a tiny pixel to a much bigger picture.  As I write, it is my desire to lay out a foundation upon which profound and meaningful insights may be expanded.  To that end, I will also share deeply personal experiences so as to offer a greater understanding about how and why I have come to perceive the world as I do.

This is my path to Enlightenment.  I welcome all who want to join me and welcome me as a part of their own. 



















Law of Being

Law of Being

Saturday, January 13, 2018

I remember telling a friend of mine this incredible insight I had about the common phrase; paying attention.  I told him how paying attention was like giving money to what one is focused on.  About a week later, all excited, my friend shared this exact same insight with me… as though he had discovered it.

I recall staring at him for a while, feigning excitement for his sake, but then shook my head as I walked away.  Really? I thought to myself.

But I had to stop myself from being too irritated.  Because perhaps… just perhaps I had done the same thing.  Was my insight a re-remembrance of something someone else had already said?

That’s how I feel about the Law of Being.  While I do not recall it being described quite like I have come to understand it, I wonder if this is a re-remembrance or something new.   Regardless, I am excited to share this discovery with all of you.

First though, I’d like to take a moment to truly express my gratitude with you Dear Reader.  Every time I post a blog and receive feedback through follows, likes, or comments… I do a happy dance and my heart soars.  It truly soars.  Sharing who I am with you, the philosophy that unfolds as we travel through life, and doing my very best to offer a clear and concise message of Love… it is what I am meant to do.  Having you Dear Reader be the one to participate… I am eternally grateful.  There is so much love in my heart for all of you.

The Law of Being

The Law of Attraction is designed to attract a reality matching the frequency of who we internally are with our external environment.  As such, the Law of Attraction enforces the reality we experience now.

There is a difference between who we are now, and who we are meant to Be.  Who we are meant to Be, could conceivably take thousands of years to uncover in our corporeal forms. But that doesn’t sadden me in the least.  Rather, I find it exciting.  It means that in every moment there is something new and wonderful to discover about being who I am.

How do we know who we are meant to Be?

Identifying Who One is Meant to Be

The process for identifying whether one is moving closer or further from who one is meant to Be is actually quite simple.  Whatever it is I am doing, whoever it is I am with, and however my beliefs are being processed… will either generate a feeling that is good or bad.  If I feel good, I am moving closer to who I am meant to Be.  If I feel bad, I am moving further away.

There is no judgment in these feelings.  It is simply a tool we can use for our personal development and discovery.  This is an important statement to realize.

My belief about my experiences held a judgement: Victoria’s life is bad, therefore Victoria is bad… even though there was a still small voice that knew this wasn’t true (see Knowing Who I Am for the differences between belief and knowing).   This resulted as deep internal conflict.

Right now I am actively engaging in thought a process that redirects the assumptions made by my belief.

When I feel bad or sad (and I still do), I am redirecting my thoughts to no longer judge myself as being a bad person.  Instead I mentally say something like:  This thought process is moving away from who I am.  How can I move closer to who I am meant to be?   I ask the question and let it go.  And then I repeat this statement as often as necessary.

When I have a good thought, I mentally say:  Yes!  This is bringing me closer to who I want to be!   And then do a little happy dance.

Before this insight, I would look at my Self with shame.  “I created this,” I would say through tears of sadness.

With  this insight I have a very different perspective.  “I created this,” I can say with a smile.  “And now I can create something new with a different and peaceful focus.”

The Law of Attraction has an external focus on what we have attracted.  What we have attracted is a result from the past.

The Law of Being has an internal focus on who and how we are “be”ing that creates the attraction.  Who and how we are being is a focus on the now.

I have yet to define the Law of Being because there is more to explore.  But I feel it all coming together in a way that feels very empowering.

Again, thank you Dear Reader.  Sharing with you means so much.

Much love until we meet again,

Goddess Victoria Crystal

Eternal Student of Life and Philosopher

Each blog is a tiny pixel to a much bigger picture.  As I write, it is my desire to lay out a foundation upon which profound and meaningful insights may be expanded.  To that end, I will also share deeply personal experiences so as to offer a greater understanding about how and why I have come to perceive the world as I do.

This is my path to Enlightenment.  I welcome all who want to join me and welcome me as a part of their own. 








































Knowing Who I Am

Knowing Who I Am

Thursday, January 11, 2018

In keeping with the precept that to “Know Thyself” is the ultimate goal in becoming the best version of one’s Self and Self Love is my New Year’s resolution, I have a new twist for today.  Today’s blog is going to be a logical outline of who I know I am (indeed all of us are) in relation to the laws of our Universe.

When I was in middle school I had a teacher by the name of Mr. McCoy.  He taught government, Latin, and logic.  Government was never exciting to me, although I can still recall much of the Preamble to the Declaration of Independence he would make us recite.  But the logic classes… those were interesting.

If A + B = C, then C – B = A and C – A = B

I remember being slightly awed by the idea that A, B, and C represented concepts.  Not necessarily mathematical equations.  While Mr. McCoy was not the most captivating of teachers (he rather demanded respect and commanded the room), I send a prayer of gratitude up to him and his wife for founding this school I attended and introducing me to this subject.

To make this logical examination simple I am going to call A and B my premises; the statements I know to be true.  C is the conclusion drawn based upon these premises.

  • A)  Everything is Energy
  • B)  Energy is Power
  • C)  I am energy and power


  • A)  People, places, things emit unique and individual frequencies
  • B)  The Law of Attraction matches like frequencies with like frequencies
  • C)  I am emitting a unique frequency that matches my surroundings and experience


  • A)  Energy is constantly in motion
  • B)  Motion is change
  • C)  I am constantly changing

So far this logical statement can be made:  With my unique energy and power I am constantly changing in my surroundings and experience.

This statement is very important to me because for years I’ve felt “stuck;” unable to affect change in my experience.  But I don’t want to simply change.  I want to direct change.  So let’s take this further:

  • A)  The core of who each person is, is based upon their beliefs
  • B)  Each person emits a unique frequency that matches their surroundings and experience (reality).
  • C)  Beliefs attract each person’s reality


  • A)  Some beliefs can change. (I once believed in Santa Clause, now I do not.  Now I believe in the Spirit of Christmas.  I once believed I am a human.  I still believe I am a human.)
  • B)  Beliefs attract each person’s reality.
  • C)  Reality can change by changing some beliefs.

These statements aren’t new to me.  I’ve known them for quite some time.  So why am I going through all of this you may be asking?

Knowing something and believing it are two separate internalized processes.   Have your heard the statement:  “I always knew this could happen but I didn’t believe it until now.”

I know, I know!” says the child.

“No you don’t know,” says the parent.  “You only think you do!”

Knowing is intangible data received through others or insight and intuition.  Believing is tangible data processed through the senses, becoming a personal experience.  As such knowing can be shared.  Beliefs cannot.

Beliefs more powerfully guide our actions than knowing.  And many beliefs are held subconsciously.  In other words, we often don’t know how or why our beliefs are guiding us to do the things we do.

I know I know better… but I still keep doing it anyway.

Our greatest minds know things are possible through insight and intuition way before experience proves them to be true.  The Wright brothers knew they could fly.  Benjamin Franklin knew there was an invisible power source that could be harnessed (electricity).  Thomas Edison knew this invisible power source could be used for a multitude of wonderful applications (phonograph, light bulb, etc.).

In the same way I know the Law of Being will better help me (indeed all of us) wield the Law of Attraction.

But as of now the Law of  Being is mostly held in the knowing of insight, intuition, and academic instruction, with only a small portion based in experience.  The purpose of these writings is to make a connection to the Law of Being not in the physical world through inventions, but in the mental, emotional, feeling world where all of creation exists.

In other words, it is my desire to make what I know also what I believe.

And to do this I must generate clear and concise pathways that allow thought to flow.  The brain uses patterns to make sense of the world.  Right now, even to me, the Law of Being and Law of Attraction are more nebulous than defined.  More fiction than fact.  More something fuzzily “out there” than it is “in here” (pointing to my head and heart).

Building upon logical, known premises allows thoughts to flow and generate patterns that can be recognized.  Only when we recognize patterns can we focus our thoughts.  Focused thoughts construct beliefs.  Beliefs attract the reality that is our life.

I want my life to change.  And today I have logically begun the process of proving that it can.  Thank you Mr. McCoy.

Much love until we meet again,

Goddess Victoria Crystal

Eternal Student of Life and Philosopher

Each blog is a tiny pixel to a much bigger picture.  As I write, it is my desire to lay out a foundation upon which profound and meaningful insights may be expanded.  To that end, I will also share deeply personal experiences so as to offer a greater understanding about how and why I have come to perceive the world as I do.

This is my path to Enlightenment.  I welcome all who want to join me and welcome me as a part of their own. 


















Worry vs Fantasy

Worry vs Fantasy

Monday, January 08, 2018

One of the many reasons I very much enjoy writing this blog is because it is part of the process to Enlightenment.  It is a way to focus on a certain subject and generate a logical path from one paradigm into another.

And this particular writing is about finding a way to swap a deeply held mental construct for one that I prefer to believe in.

I have had a very long and complicated association with Worry.  Worry infiltrated my relationships, job prospects, and places to travel.  “Don’t go there,” people have said.  “It’s unsafe.”  “Do you have the right qualifications to be a …”  “Does that guy really love you enough?”

From the well-meaning voiced concerns of others to the internalized angst of an emotionally sensitive being… Round and round the revolving thoughts of worry go, where they will stop no one will know.

My mother is fond of worrying.  To her it shows love.  And she’s right to some degree, at least for the society we live in.  A worried parent is a parent who “gets involved” in their child(ren)’s life, who responsibly places curfews and stays up to ensure they’ve been met.  A worried parent pays attention to what is going on and when something comes up to be worried about they are quick to offer a word or two of ad-vice.

A worried parent is a parent who cares.

But the first definition of care is not to provide for (that’s the fourth according to Dictionary.com).  The first definition of Care is: a state of mind in which one is troubled; worry, anxiety, or concern.

And the first definition of Worry:  to torment oneself with or suffer from disturbing thoughts; fret.

Hmmm…  so a worried parent (spouse, lover, or friend) is tormenting themselves with disturbing thoughts.  That doesn’t seem like love, especially when they share their torment with others.

I do understand why my beautiful mother has associated worry with love.  Neither parent was diligent in her caretaking as a child.  I recall her telling me about one time in particular.  She had climbed a tree but was too afraid to get back down.  The sun set, dinnertime past, and no one came looking for her.  Eventually she gathered the courage to descend the tree.  But when she got home, her parents were too absorbed in whatever it was they were doing to greet her.  They had not noticed she was gone.  She felt extremely lonely, perhaps even abandoned… unloved as a result.

If her parents had been worried, even a bit, when she was so afraid… it would have felt comforting.  Likely at some point she witnessed an overly concerned mother clutching her child telling them how worried she was and how much she loved them.  “If anything had happened to you…”

“I worry because I love you,” is something my mother has often said.  Hence for my mother, worry = love.

So as I have said, my association with Worry is…  complicated.

Because worry = love, I wanted people to worry about me.  Sometimes I have done things (subconsciously of course) that purposely created anxiety to see if someone cared.  And yet I have a fiercely independent side that demands from my friends, family and lovers they have the confidence I know what I am doing and am always doing the right thing.

Talk about a contradiction.

I realized several years ago that Worry is nothing more than looking at infinite probabilities of the future and bringing back to focus on the worst ones.  How is this healthy?  Especially if none of the bad events happen?  Isn’t worry then just a form of scary imagination?

And yet all around the world we worry.  We conjure scary thoughts about death, money, disease, terrorism, offending someone, missing out… just about everything in life gives us a “cause” to worry.  And somehow this seems reasonable and is an accepted form of thought.

But what if I don’t want to worry anymore?  (At least not incessantly because I realize worrying about stepping out into traffic is healthier than not and making certain one’s child is safely home and feed is indeed a good thing…  But still.)

What if I want to Fantasize

What if I want to look into the infinite possibilities of the future and focus on a time and a place where I am Happy?  Perhaps even supremely content!

The way I see it, when I worry I set up a bunch of mental roadblocks that keep me more or less in the same place.  But when I fantasize … a smile comes to my face and I feel like I am being lead into something fabulous.

…like when I was a little girl imagining a bold and beautiful life.

Looking into the future is something we do.  But how we look into the future… it can be our choice.  Our thought about whether tomorrow holds a smile or a tear is of no consequence to the moment of now.  But our thoughts in the moment of now hold great consequence for all of our tomorrows.

Worry or Fantasy.  It’s a choice.  In keeping with the New Year’s resolution to love my Self, I believe that filling my thoughts with childlike wonder about what the future will hold is the right path for me.

So yes.  I choose Fantasy.  Now let’s see if I can actually do it!  Hahahaha

Much love until we meet again,

Goddess Victoria Crystal

Eternal Student of Life and Philosopher

Each blog is a tiny pixel to a much bigger picture.  As I write, it is my desire to lay out a foundation upon which profound and meaningful insights may be expanded.  To that end, I will also share deeply personal experiences so as to offer a greater understanding about how and why I have come to perceive the world as I do.

This is my path to Enlightenment.  I welcome all who want to join me and welcome me as a part of their own. 









What in the Fffff–requency?

What  in the Fffff–requency?

Monday, January 01, 2018

Blossoming Insight:  The Internal world is our place of Power

The Law of Attraction (LOA) attracts reality based upon who we are.  But who are we?

The most challenging, exciting, interesting, and worthy endeavor is, I believe, to “Know Thyself.”  Not in the sense that one becomes rigidly fixed to a way of being, but in the sense that one keeps searching for the very best version of their Self and is forever in the joy of becoming it.

I believe this with all of my heart.  And I also believe that up until recently I had been going about it the wrong way.

In reality there is no wrong way.  Simply put, Life is an experience.  But I call it wrong because I was depressed and unhappy.  I wanted the joy.  I had tasted its magnificence and was determined to make it mine.

Around 10 years ago I began my search to become a Conscious Creator in earnest and it was then that many facets of life became unhinged.  The parts that were established fixtures (my children, job, and home) were all still there, but no longer “mine” to claim, nurture, protect, or take purpose from.

I could have dug in; recreated my Self like I had done before and often enjoyed talking about doing.  But I did not because somehow I could not.

Through the loss of these important and determining roles (especially as mother to my children) I suffered an intense identity crisis.  I wondered what “wrong” I had done to deserve this destruction of my life.  In this wondering I could not function for fear of making things worse.  So I become like the living dead; a zombie with all of my skin… and watched in a depressed helplessness as the world carried on without me.

The fact that this destruction came during the time of my deepest searching only made matters worse.  I could not escape the idea that I was being punished… but for what I did not know.  I sought answers begging with Source, God, the Universe… pleading for forgiveness.  I often prayed some earthly soul would take pity on me and place me under their wing with offers of love and hope.

I have been cared for during this quest, often quite meagerly, but food and shelter have always been provided.  I took and still take comfort in this.  While there have been some successes at Conscious Creation… nothing has quite stuck.  Instead I have been stuck.

During the most difficult and deepest moments of searching… the answers did not come.  This confused me, made me angry, and brought about a view of success that was tinged with hopeless despair. “My god.  MY God!  How could you forsake me?”

The Law of Attraction attracts reality based upon who we are. 

But who are we?

So how did I attract all that I did during the time I was deeply searching for joy, love, and peace?  And then why did I get so stuck?  What did I do?

I have a theory that I am working on.

At the point my quest to become a Conscious Creator began, the struggles with life became internalized.  I was no longer battling against an overbearing parent, a bad spouse, a dishonest friend, a willful child, or a dead-end job… it was me. I became the reason life sucked.  My Creator, I had concluded, didn’t want to offer me joy because My Creator didn’t like who I was.

And it was at this point the evaluation of who I was became externalized.  Whatever happened to me became proof that I was bad, somehow wrong.  No longer did I feel safe or justified internally when the whole world and most especially My Creator were against me.

Within.  Every fight, every displeasure, every question, every aggravation, every aversion, every frustration became an internalized struggle within.

I was holding and vibrating out for the Law of Attraction the frequency of confusion and  Self hate.

Beautiful Souls… It is a New Year.  And in this new year I commit to 1 resolution….

To focus on the frequency of knowing Self Love

I don’t regret what I have done so much as I regret not believing I had the power to do something different.

Much love until we meet again,

Goddess Victoria Crystal

Eternal Student of Life and Philosopher

Each blog is a tiny pixel to a much bigger picture.  As I write, it is my desire to lay out a foundation upon which profound and meaningful insights may be expanded.  To that end, I will also share deeply personal experiences so as to offer a greater understanding about how and why I have come to perceive the world as I do.

This is my path to Enlightenment.  I welcome all who want to join me and welcome me as a part of their own. 







I Do Not Like You

I Do Not Like You

Monday, December 18, 2017

Blossoming Insights:  Feeling is Believing

I am a highly sensitive and very emotional person.  And like most people coming up in the world, I thought everyone’s experience of it was the same.  I thought that cruelties occurred from lack of instruction and that wisdom… beautiful wisdom could change a person’s perspective, automatically compelling them to “Do the right thing.”

Lives and indeed the world would be a better place if only the right information was shared.  I also thought that I was meant to help in this by personally instructing people with any and all wisdom I had gained.

Self Help is a billion dollar industry.  Thousands of well-adjusted beings share their insights with millions of struggling souls.  Processes are shared that worked for the one in the hope it will also work for the others.  Books are written, conferences attended, and while an emotional high is usually achieved the majority of people go back to the same life they’ve lived.

So I am obviously not the only person who has felt compelled to help others.  And there is call from those suffering for this help.  But why is it the emotional highs don’t last long enough to fix the issue so we can move on with life?

It is the last part of this equation that led to much suffering on my part.  To share insights, witness the intoxicating high, get caught up in the excitement of it all, only to see that same person laid low a short time later for the same reasons.  During depression the role reversed and I was able to experience this phenomenon as the person being led to euphoria and then abandoned to my fate.


I had learned that not liking someone was bad (taught to always be nice) and admitting it meant there was something wrong with me.

Similarly, by acquiring my parents’ affection I was good.  When they were mad I was bad.   And being bad meant there was something wrong with me.

As a highly sensitive, emotional child and the eldest at home charged with watching and caring for my younger brother and sister, I grew up with a deep sense of responsibility for the well-being of others.  Not only was I concerned with people’s physical health, but also felt responsible for their emotional states.

Adding to that, I found myself justifying most bad behavior by quickly recognizing some form of personal abuse.  Whether it was absentee parenting, a lack of love, a craving to be heard, or any number of reasons someone behaved in ill-patterned ways.  I found excuses for it and set about finding the words of wisdom that would heal.


But the truth is… the people I was trying to help (change, save, heal, or what have you)… it was because I did not like them as they were and/or I did not feel comfortable being my Self in their presence.

And when I was the one seeking ad-vice it was because I did not like my Self.


This is all subconscious programming played out imperfectly through life.  I rebelled (a deep calling from my soul to be free), and asked for forgiveness (a deep desire to be loved).  I tried everything in my power to please others and myself… but it just doesn’t work that way.

Denying and suppressing the true feelings I had about people (or situations) resulted in prolonged states of anxiousness, unexpressed anger, and of course depression.  Why?  Because I was denying who I came here to be.

I came here to be the one of a kind and perfectly unique being who embodies personal preferences.  And these personal preferences are expressed in the way I feel.   I believe this is true for everyone.

When I do not like someone it doesn’t mean I am bad.  It is simply an acknowledgement that I would prefer to be in the presence of some other of the 7.6 billion people on the planet.

Not everyone is highly sensitive, neither are they all very emotional.  Instruction does not change perspective, per se, and through the course of this awakening I have come to believe that I am not meant to teach so much as share.  And live by example.

If you don’t like me, I am actively learning to not take it personal.  And if I don’t like you, I am actively going to focus my thoughts in different way.  It does not help to look at what I do not want.

But if I do like you… and you like me… we can be the very bestest of friends.

Much love until we meet again,

Goddess Victoria Crystal

Eternal Student of Life and Philosopher

Each blog is a tiny pixel to a much bigger picture.  As I write, it is my desire to lay out a foundation upon which profound and meaningful insights may be expanded.  To that end, I will also share deeply personal experiences so as to offer a greater understanding about how and why I have come to perceive the world as I do.

This is my path to Enlightenment.  I welcome all who want to join me and welcome me as a part of their own. 



What is The Awakening?

What is The Awakening?

Monday, November 20, 2017

Blossoming Insight:  Being Awakened is Being your Self

Being an Awakened One used to conjure images of some person long past from the earth such as Buddha, Jesus, Lao Tzu, or Krishna.  It felt like something far reaching, seemingly unattainable.

For too many years I believed the spiritual awakening was rooted in perfect action… If the actions I took were “good” then I was on the path to enlightenment.  Conversely if the action taken was “wrong,” my spiritual salvation was in jeopardy, or at least in question.  People on the path to enlightenment were surrounded by people, places, and things which were good and easy.  And just as conversely people with a questionable salvation endured hardship.

In the year 2000 I was befallen by several tragedies occurring in a quick succession.  I recovered and thrived until in the year 2007 when many and more terrible things happened.  This time, however, I did not recover… and to this day still suffer from the pain of that fracture because it was internally determined to be my fault.

If good things happen to good and hardships are endured by the bad, I had to figure out what wrong actions I had taken to receive all this bad.  So I withdrew, afraid to participate in life terrified of making any more mistakes.

It is important to note that while I can now write about this experience as a cause and effect of my thought processes, during the past 10 years it was not so.  I was subconsciously driven to judge myself, castigate, deem unworthy, and search for the path to perfection.

Year after year I took cues from the life I saw, hoping and praying to be considered good enough so as to be delivered into (some sort of) a spiritual sanctuary.  But as I looked around life frequently fell short of my expectations.  And using the equation that Hardship = Victoria is Bad meant another round of castigation and searching was in order.

Perhaps, Dear Reader, you too have experienced something like this?

Slowly (far too slow for my impatient mind), a new message was being revealed.  “This good and bad you speak of,” it seemed to say, “Who is the one determining it?”

It was in May of 2016 (I believe, as time for me now seems to run together) when I discovered what a Sociopath/Psychopath was, in terms of society.  I had originally thought, like many others, they were the serial killers or special agents hired by governments to perform horrific tasks.  Either that or they were so atrociously grotesque in their behavior that it was easily spotted and quickly locked up.

It was naïve, I know.  But after finding out what a true sociopath was… that a person with a small emotional range doesn’t necessarily kill and can function in society often without being noticed… that a sociopath can be a teacher, a psychologist, a parent, or a spouse… and that perhaps… I had been married to one…

My eyes opened to a much bigger picture of the world.

“This good and bad you speak of.  Who is the one determining it?”

This is The Awakening.

Until we meet again.  I offer my love,

Goddess Victoria Crystal